• Dr Saafi Mousa is a Senior Clinical Psychologist working in Psychosis Services and has a special interest in systemic oppression, inequality and social justice within psychology. Saafi is also a Systems-Psychodynamic Organisational Consultant and develops and delivers trainings and consultancy on Racism, Whiteness and becoming Anti-Racist for a variety of audiences. She also runs groups and wellbeing sessions for people who have experienced racism.


Meet the Team

Saafi and Tansy are Co-Founders and Co-Directors of Beyond Bias.

  • Dr Tansy Warrilow is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and works in a medium secure hospital. She is a member of the service wide Equality, Diversity and Inclusion project tasked with addressing institutional racism. Tansy has developed and delivered staff training packages and currently leads service evaluation projects investigating the experiences of racism and restrictive practices on service users. Tansy facilitates training sessions on “Anti-Oppressive practice” and also reflective spaces for psychologists to deconstruct their Whiteness. Alongside Dr Saafi Mousa, Tansy co-facilitates training sessions for Clinical Psychology courses on various topics related to Race, Whiteness and becoming Anti-Racist. Tansy is a mentor for aspiring trainees from racialised communities and believes that dismantling social inequalities is a responsibility for us all.


Our Approach


Anti-Racism is an active and conscious process which involves deliberate action to identify and examine structures, systems, attitudes and practices to ensure an equal distribution of power, privileges and opportunities.

Our work aims to explore the roots of racism and oppression and the way this is perpetuated throughout all aspects of life. We will support attendees to reflect on the difficult and uncomfortable questions that begin to arise when we take an anti-racist stance. Our workshops will provide compassionate and structured support to guide attendees to begin to reflect on individual privileges and biases.

Finally, we will think critically about how to move towards anti-racist practice. As Desmond Tutu says, “if you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor”, so join us to explore how to move beyond neutrality to a deliberate anti-racist stance.